The Ken 10/24/2022
Table Attendance: Dick Hanaburgh for Cameron Kukla
Fine Master: Dick Hanaburgh
Invocation: Linda Sroka for John Coogan
The Ken: Donna DiFrancesco
The meeting was called to order by President Brandon at 12:26 with the Pledge to the flag and a prayer
by Linda Sroka.
Announcements: Ron announced that Bill Brucker was playing golf today. Bill had a wonderful day for it!
Brandon reminded us about the chili cookoff held by the BNMC Rotary Club on Thursday 10/27;
foundation grant requests are due mid to late November and charities grant requests are due by
November 1. Our new laptop arrived today and Brandon will be installing QuickBooks so that our new
treasurer, Steve Blass, can work efficiently. Monday was also World Polio Day. Steve announced our
speaker for next week, Denis Lefebvre (booked by Larry Coon), who will be speaking on his trips around
the world. We are booked with speakers throughout the month of November, but if anyone knows of a
potential speaker, please see if they can speak in December. Cathy spoke on the Gala, scheduled for
December 7 at the Park Country Club, $125 per person with 2 hour open bar. Our Rotary Club will hold
the basket raffle and receive all the proceeds from it. If anyone would like to sponsor, we would also
receive that money. Tickets are now on sale at and should be purchased by November
18. The first week of December we will have an open club meeting with some members giving a 2-3
minute “speech” on themselves/what they do for a living. This should be very interesting, especially for
any newish members. Dick announced our guests, potential new member Karen Kulakowski, 2 nd time
published, and our speaker Greg Hennessey, host of In the Flamingo Lounge.
Steve introduced Greg Hennessey, host of “a podcast dedicated to the musical history of Buffalo and
Western New York. Stories old and new from people in all areas of music including broadcasters,
musicians, promoters, artists, and others will be told.” Greg also works for Marketing Tech as an account
director and is on the board of the Buffalo Music Hall of Fame. He’s a big Elvis fan. Fun fact: the pre-
press for Harry Potter was done here at Marketing Tech! Greg had to learn how to do a podcast on his
own, from his basement man cave, where he collects all forms of music media. He has heard a lot of
great stories from local musical figures. 90% of local musicians have day jobs and there is local talent
who work with big name performers like Lizzo, Beyonce and Joe Jonas! The Sportsman Club in Buffalo is
a highly regarded music venue with the music hall of fame right next door. Greg also provides “Music to
Remember,” musical entertainment brought to nursing homes and assisted living homes. Greg was a
very interesting speaker, especially if you’re into music! You can find him at, and by listening to his podcast In the Flamingo Lounge.
The split club of $11 was won by Brandon and Cathy drew again for the Ace of Spades. This time she
picked the Ace of Diamonds! Fine Master Dick asked for confessions and oddly, there were none. He
then quizzed us on “This day in History”. Although I don’t really remember his questions, I DO remember
that they all happened BEFORE Brandon was born! Dick raised a few bucks.
As a reminder, November meeting duties are as follows: Director is Linda Sroka, Fine Master volunteer-
Cameron Kukla, Table Attendance/Split Club-Art Traver, Ken writer- Jeff Markarian and Invocation is
Chuck Patterson. If you are unable to fulfil your duties, please let Linda know and try to find a
replacement. Meeting adjourned at 1:29