The Ken October 3
The Ken September 19
Attendance: Dawn Mirand
Split Club: John Riordan
Invocation: John Coogan
Fine Master: Jim Logan
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike began our meeting on time with the Pledge. Barb Henry and Bryden Swires aka Sonny and Cher, changed things up with “You’re a Grand old Flag”. John Coogan gave a great invocation. Jim Austin interrupted our meeting with kind and touching words for son Mike and presented a birthday cake.
Mike Austin presented Shari a check from Kenmore Rotary Charities to the Elmlawn Memorial Park Fund in their efforts to re-tree Elmlawn.
Scott Mason thanked everyone for helping with Shred-It. Preliminary figures are that we made $6500. Scott had Audrey keeping track and had set a goal of $5000. As you see, we exceeded that. This was a great effort on all the Rotarians. And Especially to Scott, who has fine-tuned this event beautifully. Scott asked me to list the cast of characters that showed up. They were: Brian Ahern, Joe Arcara, Mike Austin, Paul Chisolm, Larry Coon, Donna DiFanncessco, Tim Glor, Rick Graham, Pat Griffin, Dick Hanaburgh, Barb Henry, Tom Lang, Ron Levea, Jim Logan, Ed Markarian, Scott Mason, Audrey Meyers, Holly Nowak, Chuck Patterson, Ted Purvis, Rene Rebmann, Gary Roberts and Art Traver. Lots of Larry’s Interact kids showed up under the reins of Darcy France. Larry reminded everyone to return the signs and to snag some extra ones after the election.
Gary reported that the Darwin Martin event went real good. He said that pictures from Shred It and the Darwin Martin house are on our Facebook page. Check them out.
The Christmas Party is 12/9 at Park Country Club. Please think of auction items. They help us raise the money we need for Operation Santa.
Fine master Jim Logan took confessions. Pat apologized to Barb for driving right past her while she was all alone setting up cones and getting ready for Shred It in the rain. Art confessed that Wednesday will be his 5th anniversary of turning 64. Jim Prichard said the Riviera Theater will be celebrating 90 years for the next 90 days. Elmlawn is co-sponsoring a 5K run through the park 10/15 and 10/16 is fall fest from 10-3. Dawn said we can all check out the new turf at Sparkie Field 10/15 for the East / West game. Bryden confessed to having to MC an event in Spanish.
John Riordan drew Arts’ # for the split club and Dawn was real close on the Ace.
Our speaker canceled on us so Mike went around the room so that we can all share what’s been happening in our lives.
Meeting adjourned