The Ken October 31
Posted by Jeff Markarian on Nov 03, 2016
The Ken October 31
Attendance: Dawn Mirand
Split Club: Gary Roberts
Invocation: John Coogan
Fine Master: Jim Logan
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Tom Lang ran our meeting today to an awfully light attendance. We gave our Pledge and sang “God Bless America” led by Barb Henry. John Coogan gave the invocation. We all are keeping John Riordan in our prayers as he is back in the hospital.
Dawn welcomed our only guest, our speaker from the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site, Douglas Love.
Rick Graham announced that we are still taking applications for grants from our foundation. You have up to 11/30 to submit a request.
Tom Lang reminded us of the Christmas Party 12/9, 6:00 at Park Country Club. Tom has a play at Shae’s he would like to pair up with a dinner if someone is willing to donate. Tom said we had about 10 show up for the Happy Hour Bills game held at Jovi’s Sunday. Tom fined Gary, out of order I might add, for coming to the party and heading right to the food, then to the bar to order a girly drink, before he said hi to anyone.
At this time, Jim Logan stepped up to the podium as fine master. Jim took confessions from Barb Henry. Barbs’ Salvation Army Choir gave a concert downtown over the week end. Pat confessed to turning 60 years old. Lind took him on a nice get away at Mt. Morris in Letchworth State Park. Jim fined Pat the conventional $5 for birthdays and another fine for picking on Scott Mason. You big bully. Barb was fined for telling Pat to lie about his age; Four Way Test. Jim proceeded to question us on Halloween facts.
Damon Piatek has 4 UB men’s and women’s basketball season tickets. If anyone would like to see a game, contact Damon.
Barb won our split club and Michalene missed on the Ace.
At this time, Paul introduced Douglas Love from the Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural Site to tell us where they will be using our gift of $2500 and to talk about the mansion. Douglas said our money will go towards a fund to establish the Michael J. McDermott board room. The TR house reflects one of the most amazing and improbable moments in American history. It’s the story of a man thrust into national prominence following a great tragedy. A man who went on to become one of the most influential U.S. Presidents of all time. As always, Douglas gave an informative and lively presentation. Of course he chose the TR house for our charitable contribution in his name.
Meeting adjourned