The Ken October 2, 2017
Attendance: Pat Griffin
Split Club: Ed Hacherl
Invocation: Ed Hacherl
Fine master: Jim Logan
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
We started our meeting in usual style. Chuck led us in “America” and Ed Hacherl gave our invocation. We had no guests.
Announcements: Dick H., Shred It is on track for 10/28; Tom has a signup sheet going around for the Greycliff Conservancy tour 10/14 at 3:00. Email Tom, Donna or Holly if you would like to attend. Ted has Amherst Rotary entertainment books for $25 if you are interested.
Jim Logan took over as fine master. Jim was pleased that no one took a knee during our pledge and anthem. Jim ran into Auggie and said he is doing well and to say hello to us. Pat confessed to a trip to Orlando and Texarkana and 30 years in business. Congratulations Pat. Chuck Patterson was on a cruise to Key West and Cozumel. He reported that some shops were opened, but was pretty messed. Ted bragged that Business First had a “Top Attorney” listing and Eddie was on it. No fine was levied. Jim gave an exception to anyone who knew some Rotary Four way test. Most paid.
Dick won the split club and Mike Ford missed the Ace of Spades.
Tom began our open meeting brain storming Operation Santa. This has been near and dear to us for many years. Started by Joe Starck. It has been weak lately. There was healthy discussion to re-energize it. Perhaps earlier requests for families. Trying to get the major auction items back again. It was a healthy discussion.
Rick Graham took over to discuss our Foundation. Its current value is $766,618, with last year’s return of 11.25%. Last year’s beneficiaries were: Ken-Ton closet, $2860 for 4 cabinets, Gerard Place $5592 for 2 AED machines, Schofield Residence, $6K towards a new welcome center, Buffalo Zoo, $5K toward the reptile house development, Elmlawn Cemetery, $5K toward rehab of the Chapel and Riviera Theater, $4K for their efforts. With a total of $28,452 granted to worthy causes. At the August 29 Board Meeting Rick Graham, Chuck Patterson and Mike Hettler agreed to a new 3-year term through 2020. Pat Griffin and Barb Henry’s term runs through 2019 and Larry Coon’s through 2018. They recommended the following officers to serve a one year term: President, Rick Graham, Vice President, Chuck Patterson, Treasurer, Ed Markarian, and Secretary, Mike Hettler. This year we are expecting to grant $29,976. There will be a link on our website for requests from organizations that want to apply. Thank you ladies and gentleman for your efforts in managing our Foundation.
Meeting adjourned.
Jeff Markarian