The Ken-September 11
Table Attendance: Art Traver
Split Club: Dick Hanaburgh
Invocation: Rick Graham
Fine Master: Mike Ford
The Ken: Donna DiFrancesco
The meeting started at 12:40 with the pledge and singing of God Bless America, led by Barb. Rick paid tribute to the 911 victims and to all who suffered through the hurricanes. Our only guest was our speaker, Tim Callan from the Town of Tonawanda Planning & Development Department. Tom thanked all who attended the Moondance Catamaran social. It was another fun evening. He announced there will be a Shred-It meeting after the regular meeting today, and asked that all involved please stay after. October 14 is tentatively scheduled as our next social gathering for a tour of Graycliff and dinner afterward. More on this to follow. Tom asked for announcements. I brought in the mailer from Schofield Residence, and on the cover was a picture of Ed Gray, Administrator, and our own Tom and Rick. They were there for the dedication ceremony of the new Welcome Center at Schofield, made possible in part by our donation. Looking good, guys! Rick announced he had an invitation to the Donor Appreciation Night at the Buffalo Zoo on September 21 from 6-8 p.m. He is unable to attend, so if anyone would like to go, please contact either Rick or Paul. RSVP's must be in by September 15. Also, he announced something to do with the Foundation, happening on October 2, but I didn't catch it. Sorry. Chuck has a flier from NSDAR regarding a Jazz Series. If interested, see him.
Ron visited with Mark Mondanaro and he is recovering well after his fall. Good to hear! Mike was called up to levy the fines. First order of business was Gary's announcement that Tom showed excessive PDA on the Moondance. Phill even had pictures on his phone as proof. Gary kindly paid the fine. Art chimed in that he wanted to pay a happy fine of $10 because he was glad to see that Tom's date was female. Wow! Fines were levied for no pin, no name tag and not going on the Moondance. There was one trivia question put before the group, which was what was the average score of all 13 football games played on Sunday. We had to pick a winning and losing score. Winning score was right on, and we were off by a couple on the losing end. We all paid the fine. Our speaker drew Dick's number for the split club AND for the Ace of Spades. He didn't win for the Ace. Tom announced our speaker, Tim Callan, who presented on Solarize Tonawanda. Tim first thanked the Rotary because in 1994 he was chosen for Rotary's Ambassadorial Scholar Program and traveled to Australia. It's an opportunity he is forever grateful for and wanted us all to know how thankful he is. He then presented his program, which is called Solarize Tonawanda. It's a clean energy community program for residential only homes to sign up to have solar panels installed. They are working with 2 companies who install the panels and they will come out and give you a free estimate. This program runs until November 24. You can find out more on the website Very informative program. Tom announced that at the next meeting we will be visited by District Governor Reg. The board meeting will be held ahead of the regular meeting at Jovi's at 11 a.m. Meeting adjourned.