The Ken September 12
The Ken 9/12/16
Attendance: Dick Hanaburgh
Split Club: Bob Blatz
Invocation: Chuck Patterson
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Fine Master: Mike Ford
Mike started our meeting on time. We said the Pledge. Chuck gave a thoughtful invocation and Bryden changed things up with “America”. With Bryden, Barb and Chuck, we sounded pretty good.
Mike asked Chuck Patterson to come to the podium, where Mike presented Chuck with the Paul Harris pin for his induction into this elite group a couple of weeks ago. Our guest today was Gary Hoy, our speaker.
Tom Lang thanked us for our attendance at the social event held on the Moon Dance. With all that fun and camaraderie, the club ended up spending $60. WTG Tom. Next up is the tour of the Darwin Martin House September 9/29. There is an event with the details on our website.
Larry Coon knocked the wind out of our sails when he announced that Tim Glor was in a horrific accident several weeks back. He is recovering but we understand he has some fractured vertebrae. Tim, I hope you know we are all pulling for a full recovery. Please reach out to any of us if there is anything we can do.
Larry also announced that the Buffalo and Erie County Naval and service organization is desperately in need of volunteers to run a concession stand at the Bills home games. There is a little training involved. Ask Larry for the details if you are interested. Mike reminded us the Foundation meeting is 9/26 and the district Governor will be here 10/10. Finally the Christmas Party is December 9 at the Park Country Club.
Dick Hanaburgh was to send me details on the Boy Scouts Mud Run. I did not receive them. I’m sure they are on their website
Mike Ford was having a hot dog sale at Elderwood Tuesday to advertise their Altimeters Walk Saturday. They end up at the zoo afterwards.
Fine master Mike Ford asked for confessions. Chuck confessed that his daughter received her PHD in Cancer Biology. John Coogan confessed to his and Jo Jo’s 35th anniversary. Mike Austin paid a happy fine for sailing with me and Gretchen. Mike brought a friend that he met at Cradle Beach. She was very impressed with our organization and what we do. Larry asked Mike to fine Tom Lang for his casual attire. I think it back fired and the fine was levied on Larry.
Mike then tested out football trivia.
Joe Arcara won the split club and Bryden missed the Ace of Spades.
At this time Larry introduced another dynamic speaker, Gary Hoy. Gary was a Special Ed teacher. Then trained Fortune 500 executives before starting 123 Video Pro. Gary gets himself involved in projects whole heartedly, and is now researching the effect of videos on websites. His tag line is “websites do not go viral – videos do”. It sounds like Gary has some interesting advice for our website. Please visit his at Great program.
Meeting adjourned.