The Ken September 18, 2017
Attendance: Barb Henry
Split Club: Bob Blatz
Invocation: Rick Graham
Fine master: Mike Ford
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
We started our meeting in usual style. Barb led us in “God Bless America” and Rick Graham gave our invocation. Our guests today were Reg Madison and his wife Loretta. Also present were Steven Bovino, Ken – Ton school superintendent and his assistant, John Brucotto. Tom wants us all to remember 2 fantastic Rotarians that are not up to their game 100%. Joe Starck and Hal White. Please keep them in your thoughts. Joe hopes to get to the meetings once he’s back from the beech. Miss you guys.
Scott Mason is on target for Shred-It for 10/28. He can use volunteers. Rick Graham will have a Foundation meeting at Jovi’s 10/2. They are getting ready to disperse our funds, so if there is an organization you think we might consider, get them to submit a request. $30K will be given out 11/30. I thanked Jim Logan for sponsoring and Ed Hackerl and Ed Markarian for including me to a day of lunch, golf and a ton of laughs that Jim provide as an operation Santa auction item. This was very generous of Jim. Gary is planning another club function at Greycliff Saturday 11/30 at 3:00. By the show of hands, it looks like this will a well-attended event.
Fine master Mike Ford came up to impose fines. Donna first confessed to being a grandma soon. JoJo Coogan had a surprise 60th birthday party for John. John also paid happy dollars that his condo in FLA was not damaged. I was fined for shushing Ted when he tried interrupting us while we were engaged in an intense conversation. I was fined for getting an acronym wrong. I was fined for something else, but I got bored with fine boy rambling on I did not know what the fine was for.
Joe Arcara won the Split Club and Ted missed the Ace of Spades.
At this time, Tom asked Larry to introduce Reg Madison. Reg had a dynamic command of the floor. Born in Alberta, moved to Ontario. He was active in broadcasting and financial services. Coached hockey and baseball. A 3 times Paul Harris recipient. His accolades go and on. Reg joined the Brantford Sunrise club in 2003 and 14 years later is our District Governor. Reg reminded us of the awards that are available to us. They are the Rotary Citation. Only 16 out of the 67 District clubs submitted for this. Lighthouse award, only a few get and Governors trophy, only the top goal setters receive. Reg really wants to help us support RI Goals. 1. Support and Strengthen clubs. 2. Increase Humanitarian services and 3. Enhance Rotary’s public image. Most people do not know we helped eradicate Polio. Finally, Reg would love to get many of us to attend the District Conference. It is at the 5 star resort, White Oaks Resort and Spa. We’ll get great exchange on the UIS dollar. It is surrounded by world class golf and wineries. And there are wonderful speakers and programs. The dates are October 27-29. This guy was great to hear. Sorry to those that missed out.
Meeting adjourned