The Kern - February 27
The Ken – February 27
Attendance: Bill Brucker
Split Club: Tom Lang
Invocation: Larry Coon
Fine Master: Paul Chisolm
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Mike started our meeting after a pasta puttanesca lunch. We gave our Pledge and Barb led us in singing God Bless America”. No guests today. We were glad to see Shari was able to break away and be with us.
Rick announced that the Wine Event Sponsors are coming through. We could still use more. Of course, we need baskets. You cannot wait until the last minute on these because there is a lot of logistics in putting them out. Rick reminded us there will be beer tasting also. The committee is deciding if they should raffle off a wine refrigerator filled with wine instead of a TV this year. Stay tuned. Tom brought us up to date. The wine country tour will leave at 11:30 from Jovi’s parking lot Sunday. Please be there at 11:15. Tom procured a smaller bus that can take 24 people. He is at 15 now. If you want to come, there is still time. Please4 notify Tom. Scott was holding a Shred-It meeting after this meeting.
Paul Chisolm, fine master, asked for confessions. Mike Ford needs a new pin to attach to his name tag. Mike that is cheating. You need to wear the pin throughout the day so people will inquire and you can boast about Rotary. I confessed by updating on Jeffrey’s progress skiing throughout the west. Colin met him in Reno, they went to Lake Tahoe, skied all week. Upon his arrival back at the Reno airport he was told that his flight out was for March 26. He messed up on- line. Needless to say that was a scramble getting him home. Brian confessed to a trip to Boston for Pat’s second interview. Good luck to Pat. Larry has information on RYLA June 11 – June 17. Char was caught reading a book on how to be a better spouse. The group confirmed she was just previewing the book for Larry. Sue Jandzinski has spent the last few week ends watching their son play Lacrosse. Been there Sue, other than the travel, those are some fun times. John Coogan was surprised that JoJo took him up on his suggestion that she meet him in Florida. She was all set to go but he never made the reservations. John, Char has a book for you. Chuck paid a fine for, as he said, “slumming it” when asked to sit at the power table. Shari was fined for barking that men are high maintenance. Paul raise a little more club revenue by asking us George Washington questions.
John Coogan won the split club. He actually bought more tickets that he won in the split. Ted lost the ace drawing. Brian gave away 2 loaves of farrow seed, hazelnut sour dough bread.
Ted introduced David Gross. David owns Sales Tax Solutions and Consulting David says sales tax services should be available and affordable to every Business. They can help any business in any industry become sales tax compliant, assist in their success, and prepare them to be audit-ready. Another dynamic speaker.
Meeting adjourned