Paul Harris Recognition Awards
The Paul Harris Fellow recognition acknowledges individuals who contribute, or who have contributions made in their name, of $1,000 to The Rotary Foundation.
Rotary established the recognition in 1957 to encourage and show appreciation for substantial contributions to what was then the Foundation’s only program, Rotary Foundation Fellowships for Advanced Study, the precursor to Ambassadorial Scholarships.
The first Paul Harris Fellows included past RI Director Allison G. Brush, who served during the 1937-38 Rotary year, and longtime RI Treasurer Rufus F. Chapin, both for donations made in 1946. Mrs. Adan Vargas was the first woman to receive the recognition, for a gift made in 1953. Mrs. Harry L. Jones was the second, and one of only five people recognized for contributions actually made in that inaugural year.
The number of Paul Harris Fellows reached the 1 million mark in 2006, including the following from the Kenmore Rotary Club.
Michael Austin
Vernon Bigler +
Donald V. Brown
Robert T. Brunton +
Robert T. Brunton, Jr.
Fay M Bulter +
Donald H. Cloudsley +
Leila J Cole
Vincent A Daigler +
Joseph A. DePeters
Gordon H. Elwell +
Warren E Emblidge +
Norman J Foit +
Harry E. Goss
Joseph Greco
Patrick Griffin
Barbara J. Henry
Edgar L. Hoffman
Alison Hyde
Elsie Jepson
Richard C. Graham
John E Helfrich
Eric P Keller
William W Kimmins +
Theodore A. Krehbiel +
Laurel Kudla
Helen G Lapp
Ronald M. Levea
Thomas R. Lippard, III
James C. Logan
Jeffrey D. Markarian
John Markarian +
Jack G. Martinke
Douglas F McBride
James N. McLean +
Jerome D Mertes +
Audrey J Meyers
Van Miller
Roger D. Moore
Alexandra B. Norton
Betty H Norton
David P O'Brien +
Elizabeth O'Donnell
Joseph F. Panepento +
R. Charles Patterson
Robert C. Patterson +
William D. Brucker
Francis J. Redding +
Joseph Rennie +
Trevor W Rogers +
Bruce Ruark
Stuart Schnettler
Shelly Schratz
Natalie R Shull
Raymond E. Sinclair +
Joseph W. Sleap +
Dorothy Sowers
Joseph P. Starck +
Gary Stuff
Gordon H Tresch
Duane H Tucker +
Helen Urban
Lawrence M. Ward +
Fred R. Weber
Robert L. Wheeler
Harold L. White +
Steven M. Witter +
Vonnie Witter
Charles Wolff
Donald A. Coon, Jr. +
Lawrence A. Coon
Keith F. McBride +
Gerald E. Kelly
Jerome D Mertes +
Robert A. Werner +