Posted by Jeff Markarian
The Ken November 6, 2017
Attendance: Ron Levea
Split Club: Tim Glor
Invocation: Gary Roberts
Fine master:  Art Trevor
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Tom began our meeting to another full house in usual fashion. We waived the song and Gary gave a very nice impromptu invocation. Rene introduced Bob Ardus (SP). Bob is our nominee for our District Governor. Holly introduced Ann Marie Orlowski from Cradle Beach.
Audrey announced that Buffalo Sunrise was having an event at SoHo about Puerto Rico Monday from 6:30-9:30. It would be nice to hear what they have to report. Tom will have a signup sheet at next meeting for the Christmas Party 12/1 at Park Country Club. Tom is going to be vigilant in getting nice auction items. A dinner and an event always get lots of action. Rick Graham reminded us that we have 3 weeks to distributing our grants. There are not many organization requesting our help. Our guest Bob Ardus pitched Rochester Rotary Clubs 92 Eastern Cities Fellowship dinner December 6 at 5:00-8:30. Go to for the details. Larry announced the deadline for reservation to a Dan Wiles Party is coming up. Contact Larry for the details. Larry also added a neat event coming to The Elm Street Bakery in East Aurora 11/16 showcasing Crossroads Springs. An organization we are familiar with that provide scholarships to orphans in Kenya for post and secondary education.
Art Trevor stepped up as fine master. John was fined for sucking up to Art. Tim and Jackie attended the Roswell event recognizing the 11 days of Hockey fund raiser that went on earlier this year. They raised $1 million and also saw Julie and past president Keith Waldron. Mike Ford for not being prepared. Art asked Audrey to levy his fine. Gary confessed but was not fined that he spoke to Dr. Werner. Doc says hello and is doing well. Mike Hettler confessed that son Brian presented to the Columbian officials for a National Geographic event on ingenious people. Again no fine. Joe Arcara told us about Therese’s trip to Israel where she rode on a camel. Joe, aren’t there camels in Italy. Larry paid for missing Shred-It and the district Conference but did send Interact students in his place. Paul was fined for something private. Joe was fined for talking business. Audrey missed 4 meetings so Art asked Mike Ford to suggest the fine. Let’s just say it was not in balance to Audrey’s fine for Mike. Art asked the tables about our Rotary Club politics. We had fun and raised a little money.
John Coogan picked his own number for the split club and Dick missed the Ace,
Holly introduced Anne Marie Orlowski. Anne Marie is the CEO of Cradle Beach. We all know Cradle Beach. It is one of our hands on events where we put on a carnival for the kids every year. Cradle Beach provides hope, opportunities, and life changing experiences for children with special needs and children who are economically disadvantaged to help them reach their full potential. Another dynamic speaker.
Meeting adjourned
Jeff Markarian