The Ken October 30, 2017
Attendance: Donna DiFrancesco
Split Club: Damon Piatek
Invocation: Ed Hacherl
Fine master: Paul Chisolm
The Ken: Jeff Markarian
Tom began our meeting to another full house in usual fashion. We gave our Pledge but had no song. Ed H. gave our invocation. Our only quest today was our speaker Marisa Wigglesworth of the Buffalo Society of Natural Science aka The Science Museum. To welcomed back Joe Starck. Joe has been back a couple of weeks but it’s just great to have in attendance. Tom even waived all fines for Joe. Tom thanked the Shred-It committee and everyone who showed up to help out in the in climate weather. Preliminary figures have us netting $6700. Tom went out on the limb by singling out Phil, Ed M., Ron, Pat, Holly, Audrey, Joe A. and John Coogan as stalwarts of the day. He probably missed someone and is sorry, but wanted these folks recognized. Even Paul C loaded a box. Dick H. also thanked everyone and is looking forward the next event. I hope I am not the only one noticing the enthusiasm and the willingness of Dick Hanaburgh’s participation in our club. Thanks buddy.
Tom reminded us about the open house at Brownshidles VFW post 11/5 from 1:00 – 5:00. Put together by the service clubs of the Ken – Ton area. Lastly, Tom asked us to be thinking about auction items for our Christmas Party 12/1 at PCC. He really wants to jump start our efforts. Rick Graham has 2 requests in for grants from our foundation. Anyone interested, please have them fill out an application from our website and submit 11/29.
Jim Logan took the stage as fine master. Jim thanked Paul for stepping for him last week. First anyone not at shred-It pay $2. Tim Glor with pride confessed that his nephew Jeff is the CBS anchor for prime time. Jeff is a former Kenmore East grad and RYLA participant. Wouldn’t it be great to have him speak? Phil presented Tom a package of box cutters for the next Shred-It. Rick Graham. Something about the weather. I confessed to spending all day Sunday splitting and stacking wood only wake up Monday and found it all fell into a pile. Gretchen and Jeffrey re stacked it while I was at work on Monday. Mike Ford played in a flag football game at New Era Stadium through Try-It Distributors. Sue J. thanked everyone for their kindness they displayed towards her 8 year old daughter at Shred-It. You really made her feel included. Finally, John Coogan was boasting about a golf tournament this summer where he won several prizes. Unbeknownst to John, his audience was to be our Finemaster. Jim continued with Halloween questions that most tables answered correctly.
Holly won our split club and Jim missed the Ace.
Today’s program was brought to us by Marisa Wigglesworth. President and CEO of the Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences and the Tift Nature preserve. Marisa is a diehard Flyers fan, growing up in Philadelphia. As a child she was always playing in the woods stimulating her love of science. She loves the direction the Society is going within our community. The Tift Nature preserve was a brownfield turned into a bird and wildlife sanctuary. In the past, the Science Museum never really changed. It was always the same dead things behind glass. Now they are moving things around. About nine years ago the leaders of the Society committed to reopen and turn every exhibit into a Science Studio where things happen. They just opened Buffalo in Space. Next to open will be the Kellogg Observatory’s telescope. It will be completed in the spring of 2018. In conjunction with these, they will continually bring in the short term traveling exhibits. So keep your ear to the rail for all the exiting events happening at another one of Buffalos treasures. Marisa chose the Science Museum to donate our $50 to.
Meeting adjourned
Jeff Markarian